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Data-driven Menu Boards Dynamically Controlled by Any Data Source

Navori's Data-Driven Menus Boards Solutions 

Introduction to Data-Driven Digital Menu Boards

A digital menu board, in its simplest use, involves displaying images of menus and prices on a screen. For fast-food franchise chains, the menus displayed for each restaurant are dynamic and linked to a real-time data source.

Content is displayed based on the restaurant’s attributes, product inventory, and marketing strategy. This live data  determines the composition of the digital menu board hence it is referred as data-driven menu board or smart content automation.

Data-driven menu boards in restaurants use live data to decide what to show, making menus flexible and up-to-date instead of fixed or manually changed. This data can come from the sales system or stock lists to see what the restaurant has, or from systems that manage digital files or analyze customer behavior. Navori CMS helps link this data directly to the menu screens.

Navori CMS has set rules that tell the menu screens what to show based on the current data. For example, if something is out of stock, it won’t be displayed on the menu.

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Navori CMS Features for Data-Driven Digital Menu Boards

Adapt Menu Based on Sales Data

Checking which menu items are favorites or in demand during different times of the day or week helps make smart changes. For example, if certain dishes are more popular at lunch time, the digital menu can highlight during this period.

Adapt Menu Based on Inventory Levels

Navori’s smart menus adjust based on what you have in stock. By connecting your menu system to your sales system, it automatically removes items you’re out of and suggests other options. This makes things run smoother, reduces waste, boosts profits, and always gives customers choices that are in stock.

Adjust Menu Based on Customer Wait Times, in Real-time

Wait times can vary, affecting customer satisfaction and how the restaurant operates. Navori’s Data-Driven Menus can update in real-time to match the pace of service. This means restaurants can offer quicker menu items or ready-to-go options when it’s busy. This smart adjustment improves how the kitchen works and keeps customers happy by providing speedy and enjoyable meal choices, even during rush hours.

Personalize Menus Based on the Restaurant’s Weather

Imagine changing your menu based on the weather right now at each restaurant. Navori App can do this by using live weather data to adjust your menu perfectly for what your customers want. On hot days, it can show cool drinks to beat the heat. On cold days, it can suggest warm soups and drinks for comfort.

Tailor the Drive-Thru Menu Based on Traffic

Using Navori’s Data-Driven Menus, QSR can improve their drive-thru options by looking at traffic patterns. This method lets them dynamically change menu items based on how busy it is, making ordering faster. This leads to shorter wait times and better service.

Benefits of Data-Driven Content

Consistently Offer Menus Tailored to Situations

With Navori’s Data-Driven Menus, you can ensure that your menu always reflects current conditions, providing customers with relevant and enticing options. A scorching summer day or a rainy evening, your menu will adapt to match the weather, ensuring that customers always find something they love.


By updating your menu based on real-time data, you can take advantage of opportunities to upsell and promote high-margin items. Resulting in, highlighting special deals or showcasing customer favorites, Navori’s Data-Driven Menus can boost sales and increase profits.

Enhance the Customer Experience

Deliver a personalized dining experience that exceeds customer expectations, fostering loyalty and positive word-of-mouth. By tailoring your menu to match customer preferences and needs, you can create memorable dining experiences that keep customers coming back for more.

A Fully Automated Process, Requiring No Employee Intervention

Streamline menu management with Navori’s automated system, freeing up staff to focus on delivering exceptional service. With seamless integration with your existing systems, Navori’s Data-Driven Menus automate the menu management process, eliminating the need for manual updates and ensuring consistency and accuracy.

Menu board data drive

How Data-Driven Menus Work

Navori’s data-driven menus update automatically using data and rules. They connect with your restaurant’s systems, like the sales system and stock software, to stay current. This means your menu always shows what’s available and what customers want. It makes sure your food options stay fresh and helps your restaurant run smoothly, pleasing your customers.

Navori CMS has a feature that keeps track of live data. It can link up with many popular systems through connectors. If you need, Navori can make a special connector for your data too.


Seamless integration with Navori Software

Experience effortless integration with Navori’s robust software platform, ensuring a smooth transition to data-driven menu management. With intuitive controls and user-friendly interfaces, Navori’s software makes it easy to customize and manage your menu content, allowing you to focus on delivering exceptional dining experiences to your customers.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Not tailoring content to your audience can decrease interest and engagement. Letting content become outdated makes displays unattractive. Overly complex designs can confuse and turn away viewers. Additionally, not measuring effectiveness with analytics or disregarding feedback can prevent you from making necessary enhancements.

Recommended Hardware

Compatible with all types of hardware and operating systems that support the Navori player app.