6 Content Ideas for your Workplace Digital Signage
About Workplace Digital Signage
If you’re trying to make your office better, the first step is a content plan. Once you have that in place, it’s time to start thinking about what kind of content will go on your digital signage and where you’ll put it. If you’re using an existing software platform for your corporate signage, then this process might be easy for you. But if you’re starting from scratch or working with an unfamiliar system, it can be tough to know how to get started. That’s why we’ve put together this list of ideas for 5 types of content that will help make your workplace digital signage more useful and relevant.
When used correctly, workplace digital signage is a great way to improve communication and keep employees informed. Here are 5 content ideas for your corporate communications digital signage:
- Meeting Room Schedules
- The employee of the Month
- News, Weather, and Sports Scores
- KPI Dashboards
- Fun Facts and Trivia
- Introduce New Employees
1. Meeting room schedules
Utilizing your company’s existing meeting room scheduling is a great way to create conference room signage and keep everyone on track. This will help to make the most efficient use of space and keep employees aware of which rooms are in use. Navori integrates natively with Microsoft Exchange and Google calendars right out of the box.
Creating conference room signage from your company’s existing meeting room schedules is a quick and easy way to improve communication and keep everyone on track. This will help to make the most efficient use of space and keep employees aware of which rooms are in use.

2. Employee of the month
Allowing for a weekly guest post or content submission from regular employees is a great way to create competition and drive engagement. This can also provide a platform for sharing ideas and knowledge.
Encouraging employee submissions through a weekly guest post or content submission is a great way to create competition and drive engagement.

3. News, Weather, and Sports Scores
Including the basics, such as date and time, on your digital signage screens is important. However, you should also consider adding in occasional non-work related content, such as news, weather, or sports scores. This will help to keep employees engaged and informed while at work.
Keeping employees informed and engaged can be as simple as adding in the basics, like date and time, to your digital signage screens. However, you should also consider adding in occasional non-work related content, such as news, weather, or sports scores. Ultimately, you are looking for ways to get your employee’s attention, so that they are much more likely to regularly consume all the work-related content you put on screen.

4. KPI dashboards
Incorporating your company’s KPI (Key Performance Indicator) dashboard tools into your digital signage is an excellent way to boost communication and ensure everyone is aware of the company’s achievements and progress. It’s an effective method to keep your employees updated with the most recent information.
Additionally, featuring these KPI dashboards on your digital signage can foster a sense of friendly competition among employees, often leading to enhanced productivity.
The Navori Digital Signage platform is designed to seamlessly integrate with Microsoft Power BI. It can also display and manage web-based dashboards that are password protected, making it a versatile tool for showcasing important company metrics.

5. Fun facts and trivia
Keeping the tone light and fun is important when creating content for your workplace digital signage. This will help to keep employees engaged and interested in what is being displayed. Try to include some fun facts or trivia on your screens.
Including some fun facts or trivia on your digital signage screens is a great way to keep employees engaged and interested in what is being displayed. Once you have their attention, they are much more likely to absorb the other corporate information you are hoping they will ingest.

6. Introduce new employees
It’s a good idea to introduce new employees to the company, department, and team. This will help them get a sense of what it is like to work there. You can share information about the company, such as its history and culture. One could also talk about what makes your department unique compared with other departments in the organization.
You can also include information about yourself—for example: who you are; why you love working here; what motivates you at work; how long have you been here; etc.
If there are any major events happening in your business, such as a new product launch or reorganization of teams, it’s always good to communicate these changes to employees. This way they know what’s going on and can prepare themselves for any challenges ahead.

In conclusion
Workplace digital signage is an effective tool for enhancing communication in your workplace. You can make it engaging and informative by including things like meeting room schedules, allowing employee contributions, mixing in some non-work-related content, incorporating KPI dashboards, and keeping the tone light and enjoyable.
These suggestions should assist you in developing a content strategy for your office’s digital signage. It’s crucial to consider what information your employees need and how they prefer to receive it. If you’re unsure about the kind of messages they find useful, don’t hesitate to ask them!
Once you understand the appropriate duration and type for each message, you can start organizing your content. Remember to keep your messages timely and relevant to maintain interest and freshness, especially as new employees join and become part of the audience.
About Navori Labs
Navori Labs, a Swiss software innovator, delivers premium digital signage and AI-driven marketing analytics solutions to businesses and organizations worldwide.
What differentiates our software is the fact it’s developed by our own team of engineers. For the last 20 years, Navori Labs has steadily invested in research and development. This lets us bring to market unique products that outperform other software solutions. It’s also why we back our products with professional maintenance contracts and support services.
We pay a lot of attention to our software’s simplicity, user-friendliness, and ease of use. Our software is designed for non-technical users, under the expert guidance of our in-house artistic director.